The Fox Lake property is located approximately 280 km to the northeast of Yellowknife, the capital city of Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada. It consists of nine mineral claims (104.6 square kilometers in total), which are 100% owned by BNTGold Resources Ltd. The property hosts Fox Lake and Zena gold showings to the north of the Fox Lake water body and one extremely high gold anomaly of till sampling to the south of the water body. Historical drilling at the Fox Lake showing revealed that gold mineralization is related to a northeast-trending aplite dyke. The distribution of gold mineralization is an extensive low-grade zone with high-grade pods. Recalculating historical drill hole logging data, the drill hole Fox 7 returned a section of 15.03 m with the grade of 7.36 g/t Au and a wider section of 28.86 m at 0.39 g/t Au, and the drill hole Fox 9 also returned a section of 48.37m with the grade of 0.49 g/t Au. The Zena showing sits right on the extrapolation of the Fox Lake mineralization to the northeast and has similar lithologies and mineralization characteristics. During summer exploration in 2016, a rock sample collected at the Zena showing has shown visible gold (photo on the left) and returned gold fire assay value as high as 32.8 g/t. Moreover, soil sampling in 2016 and 2017 returned abundant gold anomalies to the south of the Fox Lake lakeshore, which, on one hand, verified the gold anomaly of 48 g/t from the historical till sampling in 2003, and on the other hand, implicates the gold mineralization may extend to the south of the Fox Lake lakeshore. All evidences at Fox Lake robustly support the potential of A Great Gold Belt.
During the summer of 2016, BNTGold Resources Ltd. conducted geological mapping and prospecting to the north of the Fox Lake lakeshore, which outlined a 1.5 kilometers long and 80 meters wide area of gold mineralization including both Fox Lake and Zena showings. Aurora Geosciences was contracted for ground magnetic, electromagnetic and IP surveys, vegetation, soil and till samplings, and geological mapping over Fox Lake and Zena showings during the summer of 2016, on the purpose of finding most efficient exploration methods for the Fox Lake gold mineralization.
In the summer of 2017, 854 soil samples were collected by Aurora Geosciences, on behalf of BNTGold Resources Ltd. Abundant gold anomalies were revealed to the south of the Fox Lake lakeshore, which is coincident with the historical gold anomaly of 48 g/t in till sampling. At the mean time, geological prospecting and rock sampling were carried out by geologist John Li. One rock sample to the south of the lake shore returned gold value of 0.25 g/t, which is the first time gold mineralization found to the south of the Fox Lake. All of these implicate the gold mineralization of Fox Lake and Zena may extend to the south of the lakeshore through the Fox Lake water body.

IP Chargeability Cross-Sections, with Historical Drill Holes
A drilling program with 12 holes (1750 meters in total) has been proposed to verify historical drilling of 1959, test continuity of modeled gold mineralization bodies, F2 structures, and chargeability anomalies.

Proposed Diamond Drilling at Fox Lake

Proposed Diamond Drilling at Zena
J.D. Williamson discovered the Fox Lake gold showing in 1948.
Consolidated Northland Mines Ltd. drilled thirteen holes (1494 meters in total) at the Fox Lake showing in 1959. Twelve holes reported visible gold. In the same year, North Golderest Mines Ltd. drilled five holes (522 meters in total) at the Zena showing and also reported visible gold.
SouthernEra Resources Ltd. conducted till sampling and analyzed gold for 140 samples to the south of the Fox Lake lakeshore in 2003. Seven till samples returned gold values of >100 ppb, with one extremely high gold value of 48,390 ppb.
Pelican Minerals Inc. acquired the FOX LAKE claims and conducted limited prospecting in 2013.
The Fox Lake property is situated in the Matthews Lake Greenstone Belt in the southeast part of the Salve Craton and underlain by quartz-mica schists of the Archean Yellowknife group to the east.
Gold mineralization at the Fox Lake property is associated with an "aplite" dyke, petrographically fine-medium grained monzogranite/granodiorite, which cuts across the metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. The dyke is characterized by multiple intrusions that locally attain composite widths of about 100m. The length of the dyke is well constrained for about 1.2 kilometers and can be extrapolated to at least 5.3 km suggested by sporadic boulder distributions during geological mapping in 2016 summer.
Gold mineralization is associated with minerals of quartz, arsenopyrite, and galena, and it happened at the contact zone between the dyke/metamorphosed sediments. The mineralization is narrower and higher grade at the dyke side but wider and lower grade in metamorphosed sediments.