Mr Zhong Guo
Chairman of the Board of DirectorMr Zhong Guo was the General Manager of China Agricultural Bank at Shenyang City of China, with extensive investment expertise in air-conditioning, tourism, and mining industries. Mr Zhong Guo has acquired and developed a molybdenum project into profitable production in China and successfully invested in gold, diamond, and uranium exploration in Canada, since the year of 2000. Mr Zhong Guo is also the Chairman of Pharmaplanter Technologies, a biopharmaceutical company focusing on innovative oncological drugs and life science technology development.

Dr Gongbo Li
Board Member, Executive DirectorDr Gongbo Li was an associate professor at the China University of Geosciences, Beijing, honoured from his numerous scientific publications, and worked as the chief researcher of a multiple missile impacts project in United States, sponsored by the US Air Force. Dr Gongbo Li has more than 15 years' experience in acquisition and development of mining projects, where he obtained great reputation in making profits for investors. Dr Gongbo Li is also the President and Chief Executive Officer of Carlincore Resources Ltd., focusing on Carlin-type gold exploration in Yukon, Canada.